За да отключите телефона си изпращате SMS на номер 1588 със текст IMEI на телефона.
Ще ви се върне код за отключване.
#pw+ се генерират чрез бутон *
От там ви препращат чрез SMS да се обадите на телефон 088 1881
Там отново диктувате IMEI и си казвате името.
Обратно ви диктуват кода за отключване. В телефона трябва да е пъхната сим карта на мтел - може и да не е активан
Писна ми да откривам Америка по няколко пъти. Който го е правил, ще разбере за какво говоря. Та идеята на този блог е да ми облекчи живота в тази насока.
бази данни
И като се замислиш ...
корен квадратен
Млад шофьор
Стиховете на леля
Acer A1
AI (chat GPT)
An internal error occured
and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting again
browser choice
can't print
Can't type in MS Word 2007
Cannot shift objects off sheet
disable usb storage device
Excel cannot paste the data
Failed to recover database Error 0x1F
HP BIOS error 501
integrated windows authentication
Lorem Ipsum
MS SQL 2008
problem sending the command to the program
right click
SAP GUI close itself after logon
SAP history
System writer failed
TLS 1.1
Turn on TLS 1.0
wi-fi hot-spot
Win Xp
windows 10
Windows 7
Windows 8
word 2016
Не всичко за мен
- Shrek
- Верую: неверник - следствие от прекомерната работа с продукти на Microsoft. Нямам девиз, нямам любимо ядене, пиене, книга, ... Знам какво обичам днес, но това изобщо не важи за утре. Мисля, че горе-долу стана ясно.
Търсене в този блог
сряда, 30 ноември 2016 г.
вторник, 29 ноември 2016 г.
Забравена парола excel 2016 / Forgot Password in Excel 2013/2016 Workbook or Worksheet
Нека файла се казва File.xlsx и защитената страница в него е sheet3
1. Rename File.xlsx to File.zip
2. Open File.zip with 7-zip
3. Open xl\worksheets\sheet3.xml and delete all tag sheetProtection....
4. Close xml file click safe and update zip file
5. Rename File.zip to File.xlsx
Нека файла се казва File.xlsx и защитената страница в него е sheet3
1. Rename File.xlsx to File.zip
2. Open File.zip with 7-zip
3. Open xl\worksheets\sheet3.xml and delete all tag sheetProtection....
4. Close xml file click safe and update zip file
5. Rename File.zip to File.xlsx
сряда, 14 септември 2016 г.
петък, 29 юли 2016 г.
Keyboard shortcuts Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-Z, Ctrl-A not working in Word
Да знам приятели.
Инсталирате Office 2016 и изненада в Word най-често използваните бързите клавиши за Copy, Paste, Cut, Select All са ПРОМЕНЕНИ
Наистина не мога да измисля никакво оправдание за МикроМеките.
Защо по дяволите?!!!!?
Какво ви е направил света бе хора????
To "restore" word to the way you remember, you need to go to, File->Options->Customize Ribbon On the bottom there is a label "Keyboard Shortcuts" and a button "Customize…" – click it
On the Categories box, scroll until you find "All Commands" and select it. Now, from the right box select the following Command: EditCopy Look at the "Current Keys" Box you will see "Ctrl+Insert" which is the NEW mapping now put your cursor in the "Press new shortcut key" and Press Ctrl+C, a button on the bottom named Assign will light up, and you click on it.
Do the same for all the shortcuts you like, such as EditPaste, EditUndo, EditRedo, EditCut, SelectAll etc.
Инсталирате Office 2016 и изненада в Word най-често използваните бързите клавиши за Copy, Paste, Cut, Select All са ПРОМЕНЕНИ
Наистина не мога да измисля никакво оправдание за МикроМеките.
Защо по дяволите?!!!!?
Какво ви е направил света бе хора????
To "restore" word to the way you remember, you need to go to, File->Options->Customize Ribbon On the bottom there is a label "Keyboard Shortcuts" and a button "Customize…" – click it
On the Categories box, scroll until you find "All Commands" and select it. Now, from the right box select the following Command: EditCopy Look at the "Current Keys" Box you will see "Ctrl+Insert" which is the NEW mapping now put your cursor in the "Press new shortcut key" and Press Ctrl+C, a button on the bottom named Assign will light up, and you click on it.
Do the same for all the shortcuts you like, such as EditPaste, EditUndo, EditRedo, EditCut, SelectAll etc.
четвъртък, 28 юли 2016 г.
How to stop Windows 10 from changing the default printer
Read this.
Или идете на Settings; Devices; Printers&Scaners; Променете опцията "Let Windows manage my default printer" от ON на OFF
Или идете на Settings; Devices; Printers&Scaners; Променете опцията "Let Windows manage my default printer" от ON на OFF
сряда, 27 юли 2016 г.
SYSPREP Error: Package "...FullPackageName..." was installed for a user, but not provisioned for all users.
Package was installed for a user, but not provisioned for all users. This package will not function properly in the sysprep image.
Sysprep in Windows 8.x and Windows 10 includes a provider to clean packages and generalize the resulting image. If packages are provisioned into the image and not removed for a particular user, Sysprep fails when cleaning out these packages.
Similarly, a failure may occur if an All-User package provisioned into the image is later updated by a user on the reference machine.
To resolve this issue:
Remove the packages that are causing this issue from the user running Sysprep.
Remove the provisioning.
Note: You must use PowerShell commandlets to complete this resolution.
To remove the packages and remove the provisioning:
In Powershell, run these commands:
1. Import-Module Appx
2. Import-Module Dism
3. Run Get-AppxPackage -AllUser | Where PublisherId -eq 8wekyb3d8bbwe | Format-List -Property PackageFullName,PackageUserInformation.
For any user showing a package as installed, delete the user, or log in as that user and run the command in Step 4 to remove the Appx package.
If there are manually provisioned apps from other publishers, use this command to list and remove them either as the user showing the package as installed, or as the Sysprep user in step 4.
Get-AppxPackage -AllUser | Format-List -Property PackageFullName,PackageUserInformation
4. Run this command for all packages you want to remove:
Remove-AppxPackage -Package
5. Run this command to remove the provisioning:
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackageName
Note: If you experience challenges completing the steps in this resolution, contact your operating system vendor.
Източник: https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2079196
Допълнителна информация: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc721940%28v=ws.10%29.aspx
Sysprep in Windows 8.x and Windows 10 includes a provider to clean packages and generalize the resulting image. If packages are provisioned into the image and not removed for a particular user, Sysprep fails when cleaning out these packages.
Similarly, a failure may occur if an All-User package provisioned into the image is later updated by a user on the reference machine.
To resolve this issue:
Remove the packages that are causing this issue from the user running Sysprep.
Remove the provisioning.
Note: You must use PowerShell commandlets to complete this resolution.
To remove the packages and remove the provisioning:
In Powershell, run these commands:
1. Import-Module Appx
2. Import-Module Dism
3. Run Get-AppxPackage -AllUser | Where PublisherId -eq 8wekyb3d8bbwe | Format-List -Property PackageFullName,PackageUserInformation.
For any user showing a package as installed, delete the user, or log in as that user and run the command in Step 4 to remove the Appx package.
If there are manually provisioned apps from other publishers, use this command to list and remove them either as the user showing the package as installed, or as the Sysprep user in step 4.
Get-AppxPackage -AllUser | Format-List -Property PackageFullName,PackageUserInformation
4. Run this command for all packages you want to remove:
Remove-AppxPackage -Package
5. Run this command to remove the provisioning:
Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online -PackageName
Note: If you experience challenges completing the steps in this resolution, contact your operating system vendor.
Източник: https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2079196
Допълнителна информация: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc721940%28v=ws.10%29.aspx
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