Писна ми да откривам Америка по няколко пъти. Който го е правил, ще разбере за какво говоря. Та идеята на този блог е да ми облекчи живота в тази насока.
бази данни
И като се замислиш ...
корен квадратен
Млад шофьор
Стиховете на леля
Acer A1
AI (chat GPT)
An internal error occured
and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting again
browser choice
can't print
Can't type in MS Word 2007
Cannot shift objects off sheet
disable usb storage device
Excel cannot paste the data
Failed to recover database Error 0x1F
HP BIOS error 501
integrated windows authentication
Lorem Ipsum
MS SQL 2008
problem sending the command to the program
right click
SAP GUI close itself after logon
SAP history
System writer failed
TLS 1.1
Turn on TLS 1.0
wi-fi hot-spot
Win Xp
windows 10
Windows 7
Windows 8
word 2016
Не всичко за мен
- Shrek
- Верую: неверник - следствие от прекомерната работа с продукти на Microsoft. Нямам девиз, нямам любимо ядене, пиене, книга, ... Знам какво обичам днес, но това изобщо не важи за утре. Мисля, че горе-долу стана ясно.
Търсене в този блог
четвъртък, 15 март 2018 г.
This train doesn’t stop there any more
Осмокласничката от Хуманитарната гимназия Елеонора Мурджева стана първа на национално състезание по творческо писане на английски език.
Ето какво е написала 15 годишната ми племеница.
Интервю в радио Пловдив
This train doesn’t stop there any more
The train was old and rustic. It’s true colour was barely visible. There were scars all over it’s body and the whole shape was disformed. Most of the seats were broken or just too bad to sit on. The windows were dirty and some of them couldn’t even open. It was the oldest train,that was still useful even though all the years it served. Every time it appeared people looked at it because of the horrible sounds coming from the wheels. It was a big pile of rust. It gathered passengers from the big towns and spread them all over the countryside. There were a lot of villages that the train visited and there were always people to leave on each stop. All except one.Nobody was leaving in the smallest village. It was a really small town surrounded by forests and hills. But why did the train stop there, even though there was nobody to get on or get off the train? Some of the passengers even asked why are they wasting their time. It was because of the old man. Every single day there was a short, poorly dressed old man waiting for the train.But he didn’t get on. He always looked at the train and asked if there’s somebody who is getting off. Passengers hated him. It was the same question every day. He lived in a wooden cabin near the train station.
And today wasn’t an exception. The train appeared from the woods and stopped on the station. He got close and asked if somebody is getting off. One passenger got up from the seat and asked the man why does he ask this stupid question every single day. The old man as always said he is waiting for someone. He turned around and went back home. It was really cold today. He sat near the fireplace and looked at a picture on it. It was a picture of a young girl. He was there too. He got in his bed and closed his eyes. Today was a very cold day. He looked at the picture again. It was getting colder. He closed his eyes and let the cold spread over his body.
The next week a well dressed woman got on the train and asked if it departs on the small forest village. A passenger responded:
-This train doesn’t stop there any more.
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